Simpler Travels

An App for Traveling Parents

Traveling Support System

Simpler Travels supports parents on family vacations by reducing financial & physical stress.

Why Are Family Vacations Hard?

Family travel takes up 1/3 of the tourism industry. Despite that, businesses often overlook them:

  • Basic provisions (e.g. - cribs, high chairs) usually aren’t provided

  • Sleeping arrangements are uncomfortable (hotels are rooms shared by people with different bedtimes). 

  • Childcare is rarely available.

This increases parents’ workloads. They lug bulky, awkward equipment, have few breaks, and often end their trip more stressed than they began. This has caused a decline in family travel, predating COVID.

Improving the Problem Space

This was a solo UX Researcher and UX/UI Design project that spanned 4 months.


Research Plan Creation

Secondary Research

Screener Survey Writing/Distribution/Analysis

User Interviews

Affinity Mapping

Jobs to be Done

Heuristic Evaluation


User Flows




High Fidelity Rendering



In-Person Guerilla Testing

Participant Recruitment

Remote Moderated Usability Testing

Stakeholder Presentations

My Hypothesis

Most people take vacations to relax. This is hard for parents to achieve because support systems aren’t in place. 

If parents’ workloads are reduced, they’ll enjoy their travels more. This will make them more likely to spend money on family tourism

Surveys, user interviews, and usability testing supported this hypothesis.

Findings - A Sneak Peak

10 Moderated Usability Testers

Ages ranged from 28 - 51

70% women, 30% men

60% had 1 kid, 30% had 2, 10% had 3+

0-4 (54%), 5-9 (33%), 10-13 (13%)


Said they’d use the app if it delivered

things on time

to the right place

in good condition

at a competitive price.

Brand Personality






Simple to Use

Getting to Know Traveling Parents

Finding Them

Secondary research uncovered several pain points: affordability, lacking supplies, poor sleep arrangements, and minimal childcare.

I wrote and distributed a screener to find parents to talk to directly. 

7 Days

Screener was open

108 Responses

Google Forms

11 Candidates

28-57 year olds living in the U.S.

Parents of 0-13 year olds

Interested in travel


Take family trips at least annually


  • Multiple bedrooms wasn’t the most important amenity.

  • Pools were more important than babysitting. 

2/3 said travel is one of the most important parts of their life

Talking to Them

Eight parents shared their experiences. Struggles between being a couple and a family came up repeatedly.

They shared how important family vacations are, but most were hesitant to go on one any time soon.

One interviewee said “You have this vision that something is going to be super fun. Then you get home and you're like oh my God, I'm so tired. You start to question going places.”

Parents described family vacations as stressful, describing:

  • carrying heavy, awkward equipment.

  • spending nearly the same on kids meals as their own.

  • exhausting themselves trying to prevent their kids from disturbing anyone.

  • losing exploration time commuting to destinations.

  • balancing the weight of making core memories with struggling to find things everyone likes to do.

Parents shared intimate highs and lows of family vacations

“Seeing different cultures, trying different food, and expanding their universe is my job. I give them experiences so they can figure out life and who they are.”

— User Interviewee

“The places where something is thought of for you, or somebody makes something easier for you… that's really what makes it special.”

— User Interviewee

Synthesizing Their Thoughts

Parents are worn out from the work of family vacations

Parents need to bond, make memories, and seem amazing while keeping down costs and trying to relax.

HMW brainstorm

How Might We: 

  1. Help parents feel supported;

  2. Lessen their workload; and 

  3. Give them breaks on family vacations. 

What The MVP Addresses

Parents compensate for lacking amenities by

  • bringing supplies and equipment, and

  • spending lots of money on restaurants.

Now they can rent gear (e.g. - cribs, strollers) and purchase supplies (e.g. - diapers, groceries) to travel lighter and spend less.

The Competition

There’s no one-stop shop for gear and supplies. I analyzed Instacart, DoorDash, and Babyquip’s visibility of system status, match between system and the real world, and recognition rather than recall.

  • Instacart did well.

  • DoorDash had low priority room for improvement. 

  • BabyQuip had high priority issues with reflecting system status and an urgent error prevention issue. Both could be resolved with improved shopping cart interactions.

Simpler Travels’ flows are similar to competitors to reduce cognitive load.

Initial Designs

Guerilla Testing Sketches

I walked up to parents in a Chicago daycare to guerilla test sketches of the app. I found:

  • People were excited about the app;

  • Price per count is helpful; 

  • People appreciate a quick experience; and

  • Shoppers were getting stuck checking out.

Supply Purchasing Key Task Flows



Search Results

Browse & Add Items

Item Description

Shopping Cart

Submit Order

Order Confirmation

Gear Rental Key Task Flows



Search Results

Item Description

Shopping Cart

Submit Order

Order Confirmation

High Fidelity Designs

Style Guide

Style choices were made to build feelings of support, trust, and friendliness.

Color Palette

Blue, purple, green, gray, red, and yellow


Blue is trustworthy and friendly. Purple is encouraging.


Green is safe and teal is relaxing.


Gray is supportive and helpful.

Salmon and Honey

Used for error states.


SF Pro Text and SF Pro Display are used.

SF Pro

A trustworthy font and the iPhone industry standard.

Font sizes and weights were chosen for ease of readability.


Outlined Icons

Outlined icons feel approachable.



Photos feel supportive, friendly, and safe.

Key Screens



Item Description

Check Out

What Parents Thought

The research report on the first round of usability testing covers three critical issues, including confusion about:

  • scrolling; 

  • the app’s purpose on first glance; and

  • gear delivery.

Other issues were accessibility related (e.g. - too small of images). Iteration resolved UI complaints and:

  • Introduced scroll bars.

  • Moved the “How It Works” section to the top of the home screen. 

  • Added an explanation that Simpler Travels delivers and collects gear.

Data Driven Design

The second round had minor issues. Participants had some ideas:

  • Create user profiles for family members that make relevant packing suggestions.

  • Name and categorize orders

  • Compare items side by side

  • Connect with friends

8/10 participants said they’d use the app when traveling with their family. All test participants liked the simple, straightforward design.

Key Learnings

The first round of usability tests revealed some design shortcomings (e.g. - no scroll bar). Experiences improved dramatically in the second round. Ultimately users were delighted by the concept and execution. 

To improve the screener survey:

  1. I’d ask how many days trips usually last for added context.

  2. When asking which amenities are most important, open a text box so people can explain what “other” means to them. Unfortunately I’ll never know what “other” meant to the 14.8% of respondents who selected it.

Travel amenity prioritization in the screener

Future iterations of the app would include family-friendly rides, lodging, and childcare. These would further enhance affordability and accessibility. Parents could focus on bonding and making memories instead of fearing a mountain of work ahead.

“The brand personality is sort of fun, smart, simple. The color scheme and graphics have a sort of young hip vibe for people who travel. People who are gutsy enough to travel with kids, and savvy enough to use an app to get the things they need.”

— Usability Test Participant

“This is a really cool app. I’ve never seen anything like this that’s geared towards helping families of young children travel. Thinking of needs they may have.”

— Usability Test Participant

Use the prototype or press play to watch it in action.